FPSAC 2024 Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Extended Abstracts

The following extended abstracts have been accepted to FPSAC 2024 as posters and talks. They will be presented at the conference and extended abstracts will be published in a special volume of the “Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire.” Click here to view the extended abstracts on the SLC website.

The presenter of each extended abstract is underlined.

Best Student Paper Award

The best student paper award goes to Patricia Commins for her paper Invariant theory for the face algebra of the braid arrangement. Congratulations Patty!


  • Alessandro Iraci, Philippe Nadeau, and Anna Vanden Wyngaerd
    Smirnov words and the Delta conjectures
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Benjamin Dequene, Gabriel Frieden, Alessandro Iraci, Florian Schreier-Aigner, Hugh Thomas, and Nathan Williams
    Charmed roots and the Kroweras complement
    Extended Abstract, Animated Slides (Note: these slides may not work on mobile devices!)

  • Carmen Caprau, Nicolle Gonzalez, Matthew Hogancamp, and Mikhail Mazin
    Triangular (q, t)-Schroder Polynomials and Khovanov-Rozansky Homology
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Chaim Even-Zohar, Tsviqa Lakrec, Matteo Parisi, Melissa Sherman-Bennett, Ran Tessler, and Lauren Williams
    Cluster algebras and tilings for the m=4 amplituhedron
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Changxin Ding
    A framework unifying some bijections for graphs and its connection to Lawrence polytopes
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Christian Gaetz and Yibo Gao
    Pattern heights and the minimal power of q in a Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomial
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Christian Ikenmeyer and Greta Panova
    All Kronecker coefficients are reduced Kronecker coefficients
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Federico Castillo, Damián de la Fuente, Nicolás Libedinsky, and David Plaza
    On the size of Bruhat intervals
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Gabriel Frieden and Florian Schreier-Aigner
    \(qt{\rm RSK}^*\): A probabilistic dual RSK correspondence for Macdonald polynomials
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Jacopo Borga, Cedric Boutillier, Valentin Feray, and Pierre-Loic Meliot
    A determinantal point process approach to scaling and local limits of random Young tableaux
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Joseph Johnson and Ricky Liu
    Plane partitions and rowmotion on rectangular and trapezoidal posets
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Masamichi Kuroda and Shuhei Tsujie
    The characteristic quasi-polynomials for exceptional well-generated complex reflection groups
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Pierre Bonnet and Charlotte Hardouin
    A Galois structure on the orbit of walks in the quadrant
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Rafael S. González D’León, Alejandro H. Morales, Eva Philippe, Daniel Tamayo Jiménez, and Martha Yip
    Realizing the s-permutahedron via flow polytopes
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Robert Angarone, Anastasia Nathanson, and Victor Reiner
    Chow rings of matroids as permutation representations
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Spencer Backman and Gaku Liu
    A regular unimodular triangulation of the matroid base polytope
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Steven Karp and Kevin Purbhoo
    Universal Pluecker coordinates for the Wronski map and positivity in real Schubert calculus
    Extended Abstract, Slides

  • Zhongyang Li, David Keating, and Istvan Prause
    Asymptotics of Bounded Lecture-Hall Tableaux
    Extended Abstract, Slides


Poster Session 1

  • Alex McDonough and Joseph Doolittle
    Fragmenting any Parallelepiped into a Signed Tiling
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Alexander Lazar and Svante Linusson
    Two-Row Set-Valued Young Tableaux: Catalan\({}^{+k}\) Combinatorics
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Amrutha P, Amritanshu Prasad and Velmurugan S
    Locally Invariant Vectors in Representations of Symmetric Groups
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Andrew Sack and Son Nguyen
    On the \(f\)-vectors of poset associahedra
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Aritra Bhattacharya, TV Ratheesh, and Sankaran Viswanath
    Monomial expansions for \(q\)-Whittaker and modified Hall-Littlewood polynomials
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Arvind Ayyer, Hiranya Kishore Dey, and Digjoy Paul
    On the sum of the entries in a character table: Extended abstract
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Benjamin Dequene
    A new generalized RSK via the combinatorics of Type \(A\) quiver representations
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Colin Defant, Rachana Madhukara, and Hugh Thomas
    Toric and Permutoric Promotion
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Cesar Ceballos and Joseph Doolittle
    Generalized Heawood graphs and triangulations of tori (extended abstract)
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Changxin Ding, Alex McDonough, Lilla Tothmeresz, and Chi Ho Yuen
    A Consistent Sandpile Torsor Algorithm for Regular Matroids
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Chris Bowman, Maud De Visscher, Amit Hazi, and Catharina Stroppel
    Dyck combinatorics in \(p\)-Kazhdan–Lusztig theory
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Darij Grinberg and Ekaterina Vassilieva
    Quasisymmetric expansion of Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Ekaterina Presnova and Evgeny Smirnov
    Lascoux polynomials and Gelfand–Zetlin patterns
    Extended Abstract

  • Emily Barnard, Colin Defant, and Eric Hanson
    Pop-Stack for Cambrian Lattices
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Eric Marberg
    Kromatic quasisymmetric functions
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Eric Marberg and Kam Hung Tong
    Crystals for variations of decomposition tableaux
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Esther Banaian, Sunita Chepuri, Emily Gunawan, and Jianping Pan
    Pattern-avoiding polytopes and Cambrian lattices
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Foster Tom
    A signed \(e\)-expansion of the chromatic symmetric function and some new \(e\)-positive graphs
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Gabor Hetyei and Robert Cori
    A Whitney polynomial for hypermaps
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Galen Dorpalen-Barry, Christian Stump, and Joshua Maglione
    The Poincare-extended ab-index
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Gaston Burrull, Tao Gui and Hongsheng Hu
    Asymptotic Log-concavity of Dominant Lower Bruhat Intervals via Brunn–Minkowski Inequality
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Grant Barkley
    Shards for the affine symmetric group
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Greta Panova and Chenchen Zhao
    The Newton polytope of the Kronecker product
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Houcine Ben Dali and Michele D’Adderio
    Macdonald characters from a new formula for Macdonald polynomials
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Hung Manh Tran, Tan Nhat Tran, and Shuhei Tsujie
    Vines and MAT-labeled graphs
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Jeremie Bettinelli and Dimitri Korkotashvili
    Slit-slide-sew bijections for constellations and quasiconstellations
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Jonah Berggren and Jonathan Boretsky
    Combinatorics of Boundary Algebras
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Joshua Bardwell and Dominic Searles
    Weak Bruhat interval 0-Hecke modules in finite type
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Kyle Salois
    Higher Specht Polynomials and Tableaux Bijections for Hessenberg Varieties
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Matthew Plante and Tom Roby
    Whirling and rowmotion dynamics on the chain of V’s poset
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Michele D’Adderio, Mark Dukes, Alessandro Iraci, Alexander Lazar, Yvan Le Borgne, and Anna Vanden Wyngaerd
    Shuffle Theorems and Sandpiles
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Michele D’Adderio, Roberto Riccardi, and Viola Siconolfi
    Chromatic functions, interval orders and increasing forests
    Extended Abstract

  • Nancy Wallace, Mike Zabrocki, and Rosa Orellana
    Quasipartition and planar quasipartition algebras
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Olga Azenhas, Thomas Gobet and Cédric Lecouvey
    Non symmetric Cauchy kernels, Demazure measures and LPP
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Sam Hopkins
    Upho lattices and their cores
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Sergi Elizalde and Alejandro Galvan
    Combinatorial properties of triangular partitions
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Susanna Fishel, Christophe Hohlweg, Matthew Dyer, and Alice Mark
    Shi arrangements and low elements in Coxeter groups (Extended Abstract)
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Takuro Abe, Lukas Kühne, Paul Mücksch, and Leonie Mühlherr
    Projective dimension of weakly chordal graphic arrangements
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Tal Gottesman
    Antichains in the representation theory of finite lattices
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Torin Greenwood and Tristan Larson
    Asymptotics of bivariate algebraico-logarithmic generating functions
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Young-Hun Kim, So-Yeon Lee, and Young-Tak Oh
    Regular Schur labeled skew shape posets and their 0-Hecke modules
    Poster, Extended Abstract

Poster Session 2

  • Andrei Asinowski and Cyril Banderier
    From geometry to generating functions: rectangulations and permutations.
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Angela Carnevale, Vassilis Dionyssis Moustakas, and Tobias Rossmann
    From coloured permutations to Hadamard products and zeta functions
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Christian Gaetz, Rebecca Goldin, and Allen Knutson
    The commutant of divided difference operators, Klyachko’s genus, and the comaj statistic
    Poster , Extended Abstract

  • Claudia Alfes, Joshua Maglione, and Christopher Voll
    Ehrhart polynomials, Hecke series, and affine buildings
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Colin Defant, Rupert Li, and Evita Nestoridi
    Rowmotion Markov Chains
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Daoji Huang and Son Nguyen
    Growth Diagrams for Schubert RSK
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Emmanuel Briand, Luis Esquivias, Alvaro Gutiérrez, Adrián Lillo, and Mercedes Rosas
    Determinant of the distance matrix of a tree
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Esther Banaian, Elizabeth Kelley, and Wonwoo Kang
    Skein relations for punctured surfaces
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Farid Aliniaeifard and Nathaniel Thiem
    Stanley chromatic functions and a conjecture in the representation theory of unipotent groups
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Guillaume Chapuy
    On the scaling of random Tamari intervals and Schnyder woods of random triangulations (with an asymptotic D-finite trick)
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Guillaume Laplante-Anfossi, Anibal M. Medina-Mardones, and Arnau Padrol
    Framed polytopes and higher categories
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Ievgen Makedonskyi and Igor Makhlin
    Poset polytopes and pipe dreams: toric degenerations and beyond
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Jeronimo Valencia-Porras and Olya Mandelshtam
    Charge formulas for Macdonald polynomials at t=0 from multiline queues and diagrams
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Kevin Liu, Sheila Sundaram, Jesse Campion Loth, Michael Levet, and Mei Yin
    Colored Permutation Statistics by Conjugacy Class
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Kyle Celano, Nicholas Sieger, and Sam Spiro
    Eulerian Polynomials for Digraphs
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Leonardo Saud Maia Leite and Petter Brändén
    Chain polynomials of generalized paving matroids
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Luis Ferroni and Benjamin Schröter
    Enumerating the faces of split matroid polytopes
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Marcelo Aguiar, Sarah Brauner, and Victor Reiner
    Configuration spaces and peak representations
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Milo Bechtloff Weising
    Murnaghan-Type Representations of the Elliptic Hall Algebra
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Nadia Lafrenière and Darij Grinberg
    The somewhere-to-below shuffles in the symmetric group and Hecke algebras
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Nantel Bergeron and Lucas Gagnon
    Excedance quotients, Quasisymmetric Varieties, and Temperley–Lieb algebras
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Nathan Lindzey
    Jack Derangements
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Nicholas Williams and Guillaume Laplante-Anfossi
    From higher Bruhat orders to Steenrod cup-i coproducts
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Sara Billey and Stark Ryan
    Brewing Fubini-Bruhat Orders
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Seamus Albion
    Character factorisations, \(z\)-asymmetric partitions and plethysm
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Shinsuke Iwao, Kohei Motegi, and Travis Scrimshaw
    Inhomogeneous particle process defined by canonical Grothendieck polynomials
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Spencer Daugherty
    Extended Schur Functions and Bases Related by Involutions
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Taehyeok Heo
    Extremal weight crystals over affine Lie algebras of infinite rank
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Theo Douvropoulos
    Counting unicellular maps under cyclic symmetries
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Timothy Miller
    Vertex models for the product of a Schur and Demazure polynomial
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Tucker Ervin, Blake Jackson, Kyungyong Lee, and Son Dang Nguyen
    Geometry of C-Matrices for Mutation-Infinite Quivers
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Vincent Pilaud and Daria Poliakova
    Hochschild polytopes
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Weston Miller
    Rational Catalan Numbers for Complex Reflection Groups
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • William Dugan
    On the \(f\)-vectors of flow polytopes for the complete graph
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Yibo Gao, Reuven Hodges, and Alexander Yong
    Levi-spherical varieties and Demazure characters
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Yuhan Jiang
    The doubly asymmetric simple exclusion process, the colored Boolean process, and the restricted random growth model
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Yuxuan Sun, Elizabeth Milicevic, and Sarah Gold
    Crystal Chute Moves on Pipe Dreams
    Poster, Extended Abstract

  • Ziyao Fu, Yulin Peng and Yuchong Zhang
    The Monoid Representation of Upho Posets and Total Positivity
    Poster, Extended Abstract