FPSAC 2024 Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Invited Speakers

Carolina Benedetti

Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Carolina completed her PhD in 2013 at York University and is currently a professor at Universidad de los Andes in Colombia. Her research centers around representation theory and geometry with connections to matroids, polytopes, (quasi)symmetric functions, and Hopf algebras.

Michael Joswig

Technische Universität Berlin & MPI MiS Leipzig, Germany
Michael completed his PhD in 1994 at Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen and is currently a professor at TU Berlin in Germany. His research broadly concerns polyhedral, tropical, and algorithmic geometry with connections to optimization, combinatorial topology, and applications to biology.

Satoshi Murai

Waseda University, Japan
Satoshi completed his PhD in 2008 at Osaka University. His research in combinatorics and combinatorial commutative algebra often involves polytopes, simplicial complexes, triangulated manifolds, Stanley-Reisner rings, and Lefschetz properties.

Rosa Orellana

Dartmouth College, United States
Rosa completed her PhD in 1999 at UCSD and is currently a professor at Dartmouth in the United States. Her research concerns algebraic combinatorics and representation theory.

Nicholas Proudfoot

University of Oregon, United States
Nick completed his PhD in 2004 at UC Berkeley and is currently a professor at the University of Oregon in the United States. His research lies on the boundaries between algebraic geometry, combinatorics, representation theory, and algebraic topology.

Markus Reineke

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Markus completed his PhD in 1996 at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal and is currently a professor at RUB in Germany. His research lies in representation theory and algebraic geometry, with connections to quivers, moduli spaces, and motivic invariants.

Lisa Sauermann

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Lisa completed her PhD in 2019 at Stanford and is currently a professor at MIT in the United States. Her research primarily concerns extremal and probabilistic combinatorics.

Kris Shaw

University of Oslo, Norway
Kris completed their PhD in 2011 at Université de Genève and is now a professor at the University of Oslo in Norway. Their research lies at the boundary between combinatorics and algebraic geometry.

Josephine Yu

Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
Josephine completed her PhD in 2007 at UC Berkeley and is now a professor at Georgia Tech in the United States. Her research concerns algebraic and geometric combinatorics, tropical geometry, as well as computational and combinatorial algebraic geometry.